The pasture raised chickens that produce our eggs are rotated around the pasture, following the sheep. With few exceptions, the portable coop is moved daily, ensuring the chickens have available to them a fresh supply of bugs and grass. They are not kept in a run, where they will create a patch of bare dirt, without a green plant in sight.

This management system creates eggs with very dark yellow, even orange colored yolks, chocked full of nutrition. The chickens that our eggs come from receive a complete ration of transitional organic feed. (Organic certification is a three-year process of treating the land organically. The transitional organic feed is made from grains from farms that are in the process of becoming certified organic. They are farming in accordance to organic standards, except have not yet met the requirement of three years without prohibited materials.)

The chickens are let out of the coop in the morning and are completely free range (all to the demise of our flower beds) until they go back in at night.



Eggs $5.00 / dozen - please return empty cartons
Stewing hens $2.50 / lb.